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twoleftfeet 10:17 Wed May 15
Give up red meat - I saw this coming.
An eminent professor has said giving up red meat will save the planet and we should all consider it.

Another researcher has said we should eat only one portion of red meat a week, one glass of milk a day and one slice of cheese a day PLUS put a hefty tax on dairy products to put people off.

This is the start of the vegan mafias campaign to get us to only eat beans and dust đź‘Ťđź‘Ť

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Capitol Man 4:07 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.
I had one of those meatless impossible burgers the other week. Not sure if it had been cooked as it should or not.

It tasted a bit like one of those burgers you’d have in the freezer in the 80s that had been on the bbq for too long, which is progress from veggie burgers I suppose.

I do have a nagging suspicion that the one I ate could have been prepared better.

Mike Oxsaw 3:09 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.
I reckon this is all down to the fucking Aussies.

God's country is so overrun with camels & kangaroos they can't control their respective populations. Solution? Give beef a bad press and suggest camelroo as a substitute.

G'day, cobber.

Nurse Ratched 11:03 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.

A burger is cheating. Let them serve me a sirloin. Very rare. Then we'll see how clever they are ;-)

Toe Rag 11:01 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.
Are we on the verge of having those machines that they’ve got in Star Trek where you just say what you want and it beams it into the compartment?


Thinking of what to eat, going to get it, cooking it, washing all the shit up. It’s a massive ball ache.

Thames Ironworks 10:56 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.
Note that Quorn was founded by ICI, BP and Hovis after finding it growing by the River Thames as a result of pollution of the river.

Now Mo Farrah sponsors us eating it. Crazy world.

nerd 10:52 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.
It won't be long and most vegans will eat it as no animal hurt. They already want meat substitute's.

Thames Ironworks 10:51 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.
What needs to be remembered is everything we eat is digested to be reduced to the cells we need to regenerate our body. Our bodies have evolved to take meat and grains and reduce them to their base cells to be absorbed by the body.

Using engineering to artificially create that food is removing the cell structure our body needs, which is creating the increase in illness we experience today.

Thames Ironworks 10:48 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.
3D print chops love it. To print the chops you still need a material to print with. Likelihood it will be a pulped meat so no difference there.

goose 10:48 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.
That’s pretty much what’s happening Nurse. Soon you will be eating a burger and have no idea it’s been created from stem cells.

Nurse Ratched 10:44 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.
If the lab grown meat has the same taste, texture and nutrient content as fresh meat, what would be the problem? They could combine technologies and 3D print chops and topside roasts. I'd have no problem with it.

nerd 10:41 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.
It is all a push for GM foods becoming acceptable. Meat grown in a lab ticks the vegan box as they already eat stuff grown in labs like quorn and so don't care. As for veganism saving the world well it does if you eat home grown produce, not if your eating avocados or you food contains palm oil for example its a nonsense and marketing dream.

Thames Ironworks 9:43 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.
gph 2:05 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.

Who you calling lazy?!

That aside, there is a lot to be said regarding diet manipulation. The drive for physical exercise has increased more in the last 10+ years and we are seeing people become less sedentary. Yet it's interesting that diseases of the minds and gut are becoming common place.
I never suffered with weight issues or stomach pain until I spent 6 months working and living in the US. When I returned I had put on nearly 3 stone and have had irritable bowel since. Took me a good few years to lose that weight but still have the IBS.
Now that wasn't a result of meat, but more a result of eating bread. And this for me is the issue.
Anyone who knows about agriculture will have heard of the Green revolution. Research into producing grains and improving agriculture yields through genetic biotechnology. As a result I believe that crops are so bad for us due to these alien hybrids that most have caused the illnesses we see today.

What I am saying here is that, veganism and vegetarianism started out due to cruelty to animals as part of a hippy or religious motivation. It is now about the science of how bad meat is, yet any diet that becomes a fad is then made in to a science and vegetarianism etc is no different.

All our food is corrupt including our meat, so the science is irrelevant about what is good or bad for us. A lot is to be said for variety but not about removing key food staples from our diet.

Just look at the news today regarding many people in their 20's being diagnosed with bowel cancer. Funny that age group is one of the highest for favouring vegan and vegetarian diets.

mashed in maryland 9:09 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.
Gph 2:05 Sat May 18

Dunno about natural laziness.

Office jobs, cars, high carb diets and perpetual low-level stress ain't natural.

mashed in maryland 9:03 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.

bruuuno 2:23 Sat May 18

If you have:

Your diet
Your political party
Your pronouns

On your social media bio then you're probably a bit of a nightmare.

normannomates 4:09 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.
I smoke 40 tailors a day at least. have since aged 14

I wouldn't advise it.. Obviously.. but my choice..and I'm still wired from noon till night.. . dont EVER be told by some muppets who THINK they know the coo. COS THEY DON'T. ITS ALL BOLLOCKS



normannomates 3:57 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.

gph 2:31 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.
, no chicken, pig or fish?

Pretty sure most "vegetarian" fish will eat already dead animals.

bruuuno 2:23 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.
Good luck to vegans I wish I could do it. For some sad cunts though it’s how they define themselves which is very dull.

arsene york-hunt 2:19 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.
I have nothing against vegans and vegetarian, although most I have met have been neurotic. It is only when they start telling everybody else what they should do that I get annoyed.

Sydney_Iron 2:12 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.
I initially trained as a Chef, went to college got my city and guilds, respect to anyone who has done it for a few years its fucking hard graft and usually long unsociable hours.

But do remember the way most chefs regard vegetarians and in particular vegans as being cunts, even know when someone tells me there vegetarian i think odds on your a bit of a cunt......im usually right!

Anthony Bourdain had it spot on with his comments and was known for a special dislike for vegans and vegetarians. In his book Kitchen Confidential, he wrote “Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn.

gph 2:05 Sat May 18
Re: Give up red meat - I saw this coming.
TI - completely the wrong way around.

We can't cope with our diet because we're sedentary.

Not a conspiracy, but natural laziness.

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